What We Believe
Humans believe.
It’s one of our defining characteristics as a species. We mentally organize the world into categories, draw conclusions, then act.
We all believe.
Our actions reveal our beliefs.
We choose a place of employment because we believe the company to be stable, the work worthwhile and ourselves capable.
We choose a handyman for that small project in the bathroom because we believe he will be attentive to detail and not just abscond with the money.
Our beliefs are the end product of observation, experience and input from others.
You cannot deny the reality of absolute truth. This is easiest to grasp in the realms of math and science. One peppermint mocha plus one decaf chai latte makes the perfect number for date night with Beth. Simple. Inescapable.
We are Jesus followers. We are people who believe and act. In the next few months we will go on a journey of exploration, What do we believe? Why? Do our beliefs contradict observable reality? Do our beliefs help us better understand ourselves and others?
I’d love for you to join Regenerate as we delve into each of the following topics:
1. God the Father – is there a higher power? Did all this just happen?
2. Jesus the Son – did He really live? What do His life and death have to do with me?
3. The Spirit – the breath of God, the implanted essence. What He is, what he’s not.
4. Salvation – do I need to be saved? From what? For what?
5. The church – I believe in Jesus, but I don’t go to church. Is that ok?
6. The Bible – is it trustworthy? Has it been 90% corrupted by 2000 years of transmission?
7. Evangelism – why? Is this mandatory? How should we do this?
8. Baptism – what does it mean? Is it part of salvation?
9. Repentance – is it just a Bible word? Is this a concept relevant to my life today?
10. Money – Jesus talked a lot about money, should we?
11. Hell – you’re telling me there’s a pit and an eternal flame? Is God cruel?
12. Heaven – what are we looking forward to? How do we know this is reality?
13. Old Testament vs. New Testament – how do we mesh them? What should we do with some of the odd commands in the Old Testament?
14. Family – What is a family? How is that one of God’s greatest gifts to us?
15. Prayer – why do we pray? Does it change the inevitable?
16. God’s will – am I supposed to hear an audible voice? If I do, am I crazy?